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Sample - British Mohair/Merino Darning Yarn

Sample - British Mohair/Merino Darning Yarn


You will receive a small sample card with a 5cm snippet of yarn.


We understand how hard it can be choosing the right colour thread or yarn without seeing it in person.


To make this as easy as possible, we offer a sample service for all our thread and yarn to help you find the best colour match for your garment.


It's really easy to change the look of a darn to make it bolder or more subtle by playing with thread colours;  but when you need to repair an area where you'd rather not attract attention, then the key is often selecting a similar colour thread or yarn.


If you'd like a small sample to check the colour is going to be just right, then tell us the shade colour and we'll pop one in the post!

  • About New Forest Mohair

    New Forest Mohair produce hand-dyed mohair yarns from the beautiful fleeces of their flock of angora goats. 

    Frances and Ian Mason have kept Angora goats since 1989 and currently keep a flock of around 40 on their smallholding in the New Forest. The prize winning Linden flock are shorn twice a year and their fleeces used to create the range of New Forest Mohair yarns. 

    They carry the New Forest Marque, for animals reared to high standards and products grown or produced in the New Forest.

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